Getting Results for Our Clients

Truck Accident

serious injury attorney

The incredible difference between semi-trucks and automobiles in weight and size is incredible. The result when these two collide is death or permanent and serious personal injuries. A 18 wheeler usually weighs in excess of 40 tons and the combination of tractor and trailer may be over 70 feet long. Its stopping distance takes far longer than an automobile. Too often, severe and fatal rear-end truck accidents are caused by the negligence of the truck driver:

  • Changes in traffic
  • Ignoring construction zone signs
  • Driver distractions such as cell phones
  • Tailgating
  • Other human errors such as fatigue, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, etc.

The most destructive auto truck collision is a head-on truck accident due the mass and momentum. A truck can weigh more than 20 tons and 2 tons for a car. The truck always wins. Severe injuries may result such as brain injuries, paralysis, paraplegics and quadriplegics, severe burn injuries and even death.

The sudden application of the brakes in a tractor-trailer is the most common cause of Jackknife accidents in the United States. Improperly adjusted brakes can cause jackknife accidents as well. Improperly adjusted brakes and brake failure in trucks are one of the top reasons for truck accidents on the Florida roadways. Loss of pressure on the brake pedal is among the most common symptoms of brake failure.

Other reasons for a truck jackknifing is acceleration on a low friction surface, engine retarders, entering a curve too quickly, and downshifting. Too many times, truckers use these techniques causing catastrophic accidents severely injuring or killing other motorists.

Many times, an accident with a truck results in more than just a fender bender. When a truck collides with an automobile, the severity of the damage is catastrophic, usually for the car and its driver and passengers. Hiring truck accident attorneys may mean the difference of receiving thousands of dollars to millions of dollars.

Truck drivers feel pressures from their employers to work long shifts, resulting in seemingly harmless shortcuts that have catastrophic consequences. Those acts of negligence can involve not enough sleep and more time on the road.

Under the law, a trucking company can be held liable for the injuries you or a loved one has suffered.

How Can We Help?

In choosing the right law firm to represent you in a Truck Accident case, it is crucial that you look for a firm that possesses the skill, experience, knowledge, and the ability to most effectively present your case. With offices in Delray Beach, Fort Lauderdale and Miami, the firm serves clientele throughout South Florida, as well as the entire state. At Forman Law Offices, the philosophy is simple: Seeking justice.

The hiring of a Truck Accident lawyer in Florida is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements.

Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our malpractice firm’s qualifications and experience.

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